The SAnDRA Club
Local Amateur Radio Group includes licensed radio amateurs and short wave listeners. Meetings are usually held on the
Second Wednesday of Each Month at The Maldon Grey Public House, Cats Lane Sudbury. CO10 2RZ.
Occasionally the meeting is held at another location when the group makes a club visit or on a different day if the pub is unavailable.
Who is SAnDRA?
Contrary to some opinion SAnDRA is not a mysterious lady that several members of the community meet on the second Wednesday of the month. SanDRA is a Radio Club. SAnDRA stands for Sudbury And District Radio Amateurs and the clue is there in the title.
SAnDRA was set up in 1988 and was formed to promote and encourage the use of Amateur Radio or Radio Hams as followers of the late Tony Hancock would call them. Section 1b of the original constitution states that “The aim of the group shall be to further the well being of Amateur Radio and associated activities” and this is where our connections with other clubs have their roots.
Although as a club we like to have talks about new technology, past achievements, contests, club visits and other radio topics it is in contact with other clubs which really allows us to show off our skills.
Over the years, the age range of our membership has ranged from 10years to those nearly old enough to remember Marconi !
Licenced Radio Amateurs, who have achieved at least Foundation Examination status or above, can obtain their own unique individual Callsign and then operate a Transceiver (Transmitter and Receiver) to contact other Amateur Radio Stations both locally and around the World.
Licenced Radio Amateurs can also assist in running special event stations, help to marshal sporting or operate an Emergency Rdio Network during local, or sometimes National Emergencies.
I hope this gives you a glimpse of our activities. If you wish to know more please use this link to to contact SAnDRA by email .
Very best regards - SAnDRA Secretary.